Library Board of Trustees
The Paris-Bourbon County Library receives oversight from a five-member Board of Trustees. These Bourbon County residents are dedicated to maintaining an exceptional library that provides the highest level of service to its patrons. The Board’s regular meetings are open to the public, and are held at 5:00pm on the third Wednesday of each month at the library. Click here for information about applying to serve on the board. Current board members are:
David Witt, President
Mia Morales, Vice-President
Virginia Barde, Secretary
Mary Caldwell, Treasurer
Ted Kuster, Board Member
Bourbon County Judge Executive Mike Williams, ex officio
Library Staff Directory
Mark Adler | Library Director | (859) 987-4419 x 103 |
Jessica Perry | Assistant Director | (859) 987-4419 x 101 |
Sylina A. | Technical Services & Acquisitions Manager | (859) 987-4419 x 108 |
Suzanne D. | Collection Services Manager / Genealogist | (859) 987-4419 x 110 |
Denise U. | Circulation Services Manager | (859) 987-4419 x 107 |
Cia S. | Circulation Services/PR Specialist | (859) 987-4419 |
Beth D. | Teen Librarian | (859) 987-4419 x 111 |
Debbie H. | Children’s Librarian | (859) 987-4419 x 105 |
Larry C. | Outreach and Adult Programming Coordinator | (859) 987-4419 x 109 |
Fuzzy S. | Circulation Clerk | |
Kim S. | Children’s Services Assistant | |
Julie A. | Circulation Clerk | |
Sharon F. | Circulation Clerk | |
Elizabeth M. | Circulation Clerk | |
Lisa B. | Technical Services Assistant | |
Dawn L. | Teen Services Assistant | |
Marie R. | Circulation Clerk | |
Rebecca M. | Circulation Clerk | |
Cate N. | Circulation Clerk | |
Lindsay R. | Circulation Clerk | |
Jennie L. | Circulation Clerk | |
Carolyn H. | Circulation Clerk |
For information about current volunteer and job opportunities, click here.